Visitor Checkin Information

The Pattonville School District is utilizing a building check-in system called Raptor to improve safety for students and staff by screening visitors, contractors and volunteers at all schools and the Learning Center. This new system provides the schools a quick and efficient way to identify anyone who might present a danger to students. Raptor checks visitors against sex offender and custom district lists. Raptor will provide a consistent, standardized system to track visitors and volunteers. This is especially useful during emergencies to know who is on campus.

When visitors arrive at the school, they must present a valid ID. After being cleared by the front desk, visitors will receive an identifying sticker that must be worn while in the school. When visitors leave, they must sign out at the front desk and return their visitor sticker. 

Below are some frequently asked questions about the Raptor system and this checkin process.


What is the Raptor system?

Raptor allows the district to take appropriate steps to keep our students, employees and visitors safe by proactively alerting personnel to certain potential threats as well as providing identification to approved visitors with a sticker that includes the visitor’s name, photo, date and destination.

How does Raptor work?

Raptor compares government-issued ID information to a database that contains registered sex offenders from 50 states as well as local flags placed into Raptor by Pattonville, such as restraining/custody orders. In the event of a match, Raptor alerts designated school officials.

Why is the Pattonville School District using this system?

Raptor allows the district to take appropriate steps to keep our students, employees and visitors safe by proactively alerting personnel to certain potential threats as well as providing identification to approved visitors with a badge that includes the visitor’s name, photo, date and destination. Raptor will provide a consistent, standardized system to track visitors and volunteers. This is especially useful during emergencies to know who is in the building.

What forms of ID are accepted?

ID presented must include, at the minimum, visitor’s full name and photo. Generally acceptable forms of ID may include: State issued licenses, passport, identification cards, active military cards, US government issued identification cards including Mexican Consulate cards. 

What databases does Raptor check against?

Raptor checks identification against a national database of registered sex offenders, as well as a district-created list of those who cannot have access to the building due to things like restraining/custody orders.

What if I forget my ID or don’t have a form of ID listed above?

Visitors are encouraged to bring at least one document that verifies their identity that provides their name and photo. If a person refuses to present ID or is unable to present an ID, they will not be provided access to the building and staff should alert an administrator.

Are employees required to be scanned?

Employees are encouraged to display their district-issued ID at all times. Employees are not required to be scanned in buildings they are visiting if they are wearing their district-issued ID. If they do not have their district-issued ID with them, they are encouraged to obtain a badge through the Raptor system for identification purposes.

Will I be required to complete this process if I am dropping off my child or bringing an item to the office for my child?

No, this process is only for people who want to enter the building past the reception desk.

What if I want to visit within the front office but not enter other parts of the office?

Anyone entering a building beyond the front desk is required to obtain a visitor sticker. A registered sex offender is not allowed within 500 feet of a school, so they should not be provided access. If a visitor is flagged a district-provided list, staff will contact an administrator to determine whether access may be permitted. 

Will the Raptor system be used for large events or after-school activities?

Generally, the system should be used during normal school hours, Monday through Friday. Visitors for larger events can either pre-register (if they have previously checked in using Raptor) so that badges can be printed and provided to the visitor after presenting their photo ID to the front desk employee on the day of the event. If they have not been scanned by Raptor previously, they may visit the school in advance to be screened or they are encouraged to arrive early on the day of the event to scan in using the Raptor system.

 What does Raptor and/or Pattonville do with information that is provided/scanned?

Raptor scans the visitor’s name, date of birth and photo from their ID for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders and any private alerts at the school, such as restraining/custody orders. Additional personal data (such as address, drivers license/social security number, etc.) will not be gathered and no data will be shared with any outside company or organization.  

What if my ID signals a match to a searched list?

Visitors who match a searched list may not be provided access to the building or, in limited cases, may have limited access to the building (including destinations or time) and may be escorted by administrators or a SRO during their visit. 

I am a volunteer and have already completed the district background check. Do I need to provide my ID every time I enter?

Everyone who enters the building must have a district-provided badge or a sticker for each visit. For more information about completing a district background check to volunteer, click here.

Do SSD staff who do not have a Pattonville-issued ID have to check in via Raptor?

Yes. Anyone who does not have a Pattonville-issued badge needs to check in via Raptor with an ID that includes their name and photo. They may use an SSD ID with this information, but that information will be entered into Raptor for review.

What if I am a contractor or other district service provider?

Any visitor, including vendors and contractors (without a district-issued contractor badge), are required to be scanned when in the building during the school day. Contractors who will be working long-term (more than five days) in a school building will be processed through a separate screening process at the Learning Center to receive a contractor badge. Service providers, repair people, account reps or other short-term contractors may choose to be pre-screened at the Learning Center ahead of time or can be screened at a building, but still need to present ID for scan at a building.

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