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Each month during the school year, the Pattonville Board of Education honors students, staff and volunteers who have gained recognition outside of the district or who’ve made a special contribution to Pattonville. Learn more about students and staff who were recognized this month.
- Academy of Innovation at Remington
- Board Recognition
- Board of Education
- Bridgeway Elementary School
- Heights Middle School
- Holman Middle School
- Parkwood Elementary School
- Pattonville High School
Read about actions taken at the Feb. 11 school board meeting.
- Board Notes
- Board of Education
- District
Dr. Tammy Hasheider has been selected as the director of secondary education in the teaching and learning department. She will begin her new position on July 1.
- District
Families with children who plan to attend kindergarten during the 2025-2026 school year should enroll their child during kindergarten registration, set for March 3 through 5. Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before July 31, 2025, to enroll.
- District
On Jan. 14, the Pattonville Board of Education approved an agreement with Right at School to provide before- and after-school care for Pattonville students starting in the 2025-2026 school year. Registration information will be shared with families before registration opens in March.
- Academy of Innovation at Remington
- Bridgeway Elementary School
- District
- Drummond Elementary School
- Parkwood Elementary School
- Rose Acres Elementary School
- Willow Brook Elementary School
Registration for enrollment in Pattonville's preschool program begins at 8 a.m. on Feb. 3 for the 2025-2026 school year. Children must be 3 years old on or by July 31, 2025, to participate in the early childhood program for the upcoming school year.
- Early Childhood
Each month during the school year, the Pattonville Board of Education honors students, staff and volunteers who have gained recognition outside of the district or who’ve made a special contribution to Pattonville. Learn more about students and staff who were recognized this month.
- Board Recognition
- District
- Pattonville High School
- Rose Acres Elementary School
Read about actions taken at the Jan. 14 school board meeting.
- Board of Education
- District
Three candidates filed to be placed on the April 8 election ballot to fill two open seats each with a three-year term on the Pattonville Board of Education. Those who filed are, in order of filing, incumbent Mary Kay Campbell, incumbent Dr. Dan Wentz and Dr. Summer Johnson. However, Johnson has decided to withdraw her name from the election, and her name will not appear on the ballot.
- Board Elections
- Board of Education