Notes from the September 2024 board meeting
Read about actions taken at the Sept. 10 school board meeting. Find out more by visiting Pattonville's BoardDocs website.
Board Actions
The board of education on Sept. 10:
- Heard a Prop S update on current construction work;
- Heard an update on Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) planning at the Pattonville Early Childhood Center and Parkwood and Willow Brook elementary schools;
- Heard about the district’s professional development plan;
- Approved paying $11,329,677.17 for regular bills;
- Declared a list of items as surplus to be sold on the district’s page;
- Approved the revised amendment to the economic agreement for the 2024-2025 school year with the Pattonville Educational Support Professionals (PESP);
- Approved the resolution for the Ritenour School District property purchase that is partially within the boundaries of the Pattonville School District;
- Approved paying $2,959.53 to Tueth, Keeney, Cooper, Mohan & Jackstadt for legal services;
- Readopted the resolution declaring the month of October 2024 as Disability History and Awareness Month in the Pattonville School District;
- Approved the contract with the Special School District (SSD) for substitute personnel services for the 2024-2025 school year;
- Approved the contract with Team Select Home Care of Missouri for nursing services for the 2024-2025 school year;
- Approved the license agreement with the Crossings Church, located in the Pattonville community, to utilize the parking lot at the Academy of Innovation at Remington on Sundays until until Aug. 30, 2025;
- Approved the agreement with Assist Services for transportation services for students in compliance with the McKinney-Vento Act;
- Awarded the bid for the sale of surplus iPads to Diamond Assets in the maximum estimated value of $789,086 and the minimum guarantee as a percentage of the maximum value at 75%;
- Approved the purchase and installation of art room furniture at Willow Brook Elementary School from Modern Business Interiors for $21,195.20;
- Awarded the bid for copy paper supplies (840 cases) to Veritiv Corporation for $26,712;
- Approved the proposal from Apple Inc., to purchase 40 MacBook Air laptops and AppleCare warranties for high school students for $32,320; and
- Approved the subscription renewal from Renaissance for various Renaissance learning online products and services for $97,833.30.
New Hires
- Fatima Bouyezgarne, paraprofessional, early childhood
- Caroline Collier, paraprofessional, Parkwood
- Sierra Dickerson, custodian, Rose Acres
- Melissa Fox, router/dispatcher, transportation
- Laine Johnson, permanent substitute, high school
- Amanda McIntyre, paraprofessional, early childhood
- Casandra Peterson, district interpreter, Learning Center
- Cate Santhuff, paraprofessional, Rose Acres
- Teri Simmons, clerk, Pattonville Heights
- Anna Trankler, paraprofessional, early childhood
- Celester Whittaker III, evening custodial trainer/supervisor, districtwide
- Cindy Howard, business specialist at the high school, after serving Pattonville for six years
- James Ivie, custodial supervisor in the maintenance department, after serving Pattonville for 33 years
- Henrietta Reed, custodian at the high school, after serving Pattonville for 19 years
Notes from the September 2024 board meeting