Notes from the Oct. 8, 2024, board meeting
Read about actions taken at the Oct. 8 school board meeting. Find out more by visiting Pattonville's BoardDocs website.
Board Actions
The board of education on Oct. 8:
- Heard a Prop S update on current construction work;
- Reviewed and accepted an evaluation of the district’s MSHSAA program; read the report or view the presentation;
- Heard an update on Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) planning at the Academy of Innovation at Remington;
- Heard about future device planning at Pattonville High School;
- Approved paying $2,424,470.95 for regular bills;
- Approved, subject to audit, the financial statements for July 2024;
- Approved paying $421,739.54 for purchases made on Pattonville’s purchasing cards, which earned the district a rebate of 1% (or $4,217.39);
- Declared a list of items as surplus to be sold on the district’s page;
- Approved the October 2024 transportation route miles for the 2024-2025 school year;
- Approved a contract between with Therapy Relief at Hope for early childhood therapy services for the 2024-2025 school year;
- Lodged for action the revisions to policies BDC (Closed Meetings, Records and Votes) and KH (Public Gifts to the Schools) and the adoption of policy EHBD (Artificial Intelligence Use); a vote is expected during the Nov. 12 board meeting;
- Approved paying $4,511.79 to Tueth, Keeney, Cooper, Mohan & Jackstadt for legal services;
- Approved the purchase of Microsoft licenses for one year with Insight Public Sector for $29,656.32;
- Approved Voya as the district's Medical Stop Loss carrier at an estimated annual premium of $778,689, with the option to renew for two years; and
- Approved the pharmacy benefits manager agreement service addendum with Express Scripts for an estimated total amount of $19,000 per year paid with the district's current insurance premium structure, thus incurring no additional cost to the budget.
New Hires
- Melissa Bressman, clerk, early childhood
- Audrey Carr, parent educator, early childhood
- Marlene Edwards, custodian, Remington
- Taneaka Hill, evening custodian, Willow Brook
- Jonathan McMiller, evening custodian, Holman
- Amy Ortmann, parent educator, early childhood
- Ann Polizzi, paraprofessional, early childhood
- Quentin Silas, bus driver, transportation
- Mary Vanarsdale, custodian, Heights
- Thomas Yonke, musical accompanist, Heights
Notes from the Oct. 8, 2024, board meeting