Notes from the Jan. 14, 2025, board meeting
Read about actions taken at the Jan. 14 school board meeting. Find out more by visiting Pattonville's BoardDocs website.
Board Actions
The board of education on Jan. 14:
- Reviewed and accepted an evaluation of the district’s special education and alternative education programs; read the special education report, view the special education presentation, read the alternative education report or view the alternative education presentation;
- Approved paying $3,981,320.53 for regular bills;
- Approved, subject to audit, the financial statements for October and November 2024;
- Approved paying $278,931.05 for purchases made on Pattonville’s purchasing cards, which earned the district a rebate of 1% (or $2,789.31);
- Approved the maintenance agreement with the Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) for a bioretention pond at the Pattonville Early Childhood Center;
- Approved the Pre-K tuition rates for the 2025-2026 school year;
- Approved the services agreement for before and after school services with Right at School;
- Lodged for action the revisions to policy JGD (Student Suspension and Expulsion); a vote is expected during the Feb. 11 board meeting;
- Awarded the bid for the early childhood special education bus straight lease renewal to Midwest Transit Equipment, Inc., for $112,718 a year, or $338,154 for the three-year term of the lease, which will be reimbursed through grant funding;
- Approved the purchase and installation of library furniture at Pattonville High School from Office Essentials for $35,828.38; and
- Approved the purchase and installation of furniture for district buildings for $124,281.79 with $48,654.51 for Bridgeway; $28,199.17 for printing; and $47,428.11 at transportation.
New Hires
- Kristina Holland, bus driver, transportation
- Quentin Lofton, evening custodian, high school
- Patricia Thiemann, bus driver, transportation
- Elizabeth Brisch, gifted teacher in the ALPHA Center at Holman, after serving Pattonville for 34 years
- Regina Dunmire, bus driver in transportation, after serving Pattonville for 23 years
- Vicki Emerson, science teacher at the high school, after serving Pattonville for 13 years
- Laura Hartsock, science teacher at Pattonville Heights, after serving Pattonville for 24 years
- Julie Watson, second grade teacher at Bridgeway, after serving Pattonville for 30 years
Notes from the Jan. 14, 2025, board meeting