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The Pattonville School District prides itself on providing high-quality learning experiences for all students thus supporting our mission: That All Will Learn. Starting in middle school, students have opportunities to select courses that match their interests and readiness. At the high school level, these options grow so all students can seek unique pathways to graduation and beyond.

  • Career and Technical Education 
  • Advanced Placement Courses
  • North Tech
  • Advanced Electives
  • Dual College Credit at PHS
  • Extended Learning Opportunities
  • Work Programs
  • Early College Options Program

Mapping Your Journey

No matter what pathway students choose, they will find support through personalized learning opportunities within their classes and guidance from passionate, effective educators.  In the classroom and in the community, during the school day and after school through co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities, Pattonville provides learning experiences that engage our diverse students as they set goals and seek success.  To learn more, please see Map Your Journey, a landing page for all secondary academic programs.

African-American female student holding her diploma and smiling