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Eligibility Process

The referral process we use at Pattonville aligns with the State of Missouri's guidelines for the Identification of Gifted Students.

We understand that each student is unique and demonstrates their giftedness differently. Therefore, we use multiple testing measures to determine a child's eligibility for gifted services.

Students may be referred by either classroom teachers or parents. We recommend that parents begin by speaking with their child's classroom teacher or the school's guidance counselor to begin a referral. Your child's classroom teacher will submit a Teacher Checklist of Gifted Characteristics directly to the Gifted Center.

After the Gifted Center receives the Teacher Checklist of Gifted Characteristics, you will receive an email with gifted program information and a link to complete an electronic Parent Checklist of Gifted Characteristics with Permission to Test.

This electronic form MUST be submitted before any tests can be administered by district personnel. Please complete this form promptly, as students are placed on a waiting list for testing in the order in which Parent Permission is received.

Pattonville gifted specialists administer individually an academic Achievement Test as the first round of testing to determine program eligibility.

These tests are regularly given on Friday mornings and during two select weeks of intensive testing throughout the school year. Scores from this assessment will determine whether a student meets the academic requirements for additional testing. Please be patient once you have returned your Permission to Test. Gifted Specialists are only available to test on the days the ALPHA program does not have students. Note that the months directly following parent-teacher conferences see a high volume of referrals.

Students continuing for further testing will receive a full battery IQ test administered by the Pattonville School Psychological Examiner.

A variety of criteria will come into consideration to determine eligibility after the IQ test is administered. Achievement test scores, as well as optional additional data from creativity or problem-solving assessment measures, will be used to determine if your child qualifies for gifted services.

Testing for the gifted program occurs year-round. However, students may enter the elementary program during the first 8 weeks of the semester and secondary students enter as scheduling allows.

This is to ensure that students feel successful in their classes. The majority of students will enter the program at the start of each semester, as intensive weeks of testing are designed around the end of each semester.

If you have questions about the referral process, please contact the Gifted Center at (314) 213-8245.