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About the ALPHA Program

Advanced Learning for Pattonville High Achievers

Students in the elementary gifted program (ALPHA) meet one full day per week with their grade-level peers from around the district at the Pattonville Gifted Center (located in Holman Middle School). Bus transportation is provided by the district from each elementary home school to the Gifted Center.

In order to accommodate different start/end times for elementary schools and Remington Traditional, the ALPHA program runs from 8:55 a.m. - 2:20 p.m. Each grade level is assigned a different day of the week.

Each semester, students participate in both required and choice courses with an emphasis on the following areas:

  • critical and creative thinking

  • global geographic and cultural education

  • logic and reasoning

  • affective education and leadership

  • problem solving

  • oral and written communication

  • research

  • group and independent study

1st/2nd Grades - Thursday

Required Course

Comparative Cultures

Sample Choice Courses

Anatomy, Unwrap Your Gift
Math around the Globe, Superhero Scientists, Sea Mammals

3rd Grade - Wednesday

Required Courses

Exciting Explorations

Sample Choice Courses

Chemistry Concepts, Design Construction, Greek & Roman Studies, Once Upon a Fairy Tale, Robolab

4th Grade - Tuesday

Required Courses

Psychology & You
International Adventure

Sample Choice Courses

Creative Writing, Build a Business, Little Stories Big Ideas, Pollution Solutions, Who Dunit?

5th Grade - Monday

Required Courses

Genius Hour
Fantasy Baseball

Sample Choice Courses

Advanced Programs, Bridges, Government and Law, Kitchen Chemistry, Photography Picture It!