Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Career Pathways and Courses
Pattonville High School has many options for students interested in STEM fields. Through programs through Project Lead the Way and in our Science and Math Departments, students can explore careers and concepts to grow their futures as STEM leaders. Students also can begin their learning by taking related computer science and PLTW courses at the middle school level. Learn about these and link to more information here in the PHS Course Catalog or in each section below. To learn about courses that can also provide college credit opportunities, see this link: College Credit Opportunities at PHS.
Students interested in careers in computer science can take part in the four-year Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Computer Science pathway. Students learn through hands-on, real-world experiences using computer industry programs. Senior year students take part in the Computer Science Capstone, an opportunity to work as a team to solve a real-world problem by designing and coding a solution.
The Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Engineering pathway offers five high school courses exploring the design process and difference fields within engineering. Students build and create while learning the fundamentals of engineering design.
Within the PHS Science and Math Departments, students can take entry-level and advanced coursework. In science, students can enroll in multiple courses in biology, chemistry, and physics, and also dive deep into specialized areas like astronomy, environmental science, and aquatic and marine science. In math, students can take beginning courses in Algebra and continue through statistics, trigonometry, and calculus.
Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Opportunities:
Math Club, Alpha Theta
Science National Honor Society
Science Fair
Robotics Club