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Education and Training

Career Pathways and Courses

Future educators can explore their interests through the Education and Teaching pathway or through the Child Development pathway.  Learn about these and link to more information in the PHS Course Catalog or in each section below.  To learn about courses that can also provide college credit opportunities, visit the page on College Credit Opportunities at PHS.

The Education and Teaching pathway provides students opportunities to first learn about the teaching profession and then take part in a teaching practicum in Pattonville elementary schools.

Through Pattonville's Childhood Development pathway students learn about childhood development and then work within the PHS Playschool, an on-site community preschool. Students develop activities and lessons and lead students in learning through play.

Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Opportunities:

  • Educators Rising

  • Peer Assistance and Leadership (PALS)

Work-Based Learning Opportunities:

  • Practicum at Pattonville elementary school

  • Practicum in PHS Playschool