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PSD Report

Each year, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) releases APRs for each school district across the state as part of the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP). The APR is comprised of several metrics DESE deems important for school success. They include student performance on state standardized assessments, both as a whole and for subgroups of students; college and career readiness indicators such as how students perform on the ACT, ACT WorkKeys, and other assessments that prepare students for life after high school; how students perform on Advanced Placement (AP) exams and the number of college credit classes students take; and what students do after high school, such as attending college or entering the workforce, military or vocational school. Attendance and graduation rates are the other standards that are assessed.

Report Card Data

View Pattonville's academic achievement data on the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) website. Once on the site, select "Pattonville R-III" as the school district in the dropdown menu at the top left, then select "Report Card" in the left hand menu. If you do not see the "Report Card" button or a left-hand menu, look for a "Categories" tab. The "Report Card" button can be found there.

This year’s Annual Performance Report (APR) issued by the state of Missouri indicates that Pattonville continues to perform at a high level on criteria related to students’ academic achievement.